Pardon me while I close the door.

A memoir by Marjan Sierhuis

Category: Uncategorized (page 2 of 9)

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Hello Everyone,

MERRY CHRISTMASIMG_20160324_160443

I hope you’ve all been fine and are ready for a healthy and wonderful New Year.  Yes, I feel we all deserve one.

Today is extremely cold in Ontario when you factor in the wind chill. Thank goodness it is not snowing at this time. I am tempted to stay inside where it is toasty warm. But I will soon bundle up , walk around the neighborhood and return my rented movie to the local video store.

Exciting news. My book of short stories will be published in January or February of 2023.  I will keep you informed.

I hope you  have an opportunity to spend today with friends or loved ones.

Bye for now.

A hug from me.









I hope everyone is doing fine.

I realize it has been a while since I last visited my website.  My humble apologies.

I have some exciting news.  My second book should soon be published and available.  I will keep you informed.

Keep well.  Talk soon.




Saturday, Feb. 19, 2022

Good Afternoon everyone.

I hope you have all been keeping well.  I have a few more stories for your reading pleasure:   They can be found on

The first is titled: “The Proposal.”  It can be found under crumbs.

The second story is titled:  “Benji.” It also can be found under crumbs.

I have a copyright on both stories.

Enjoy your day.

All the best.






I thought you might enjoy my latest publication on

It was fun to write.  I hope you enjoy it.




Home Sweet Home

Alexia’s eyes are closed while she relaxes on a lounge chair in her recently purchased bathing suit.

The sound of ocean waves resonates throughout the room, and it immediately fills her with a sense of peace.

Tropical island music permeates the air and transports her to another place.

She adjusts the wide-brimmed sunhat that shields her face from a shaft of light which streams through

a partially open window.

She reaches for a glass of liquid refreshment that sits on a nearby table.

Her husband suddenly appears in the entrance to the living room with a puzzled look on his face.

“I’m sure there is a logical explanation.”

Alexia frowns. “Our trip to the islands is cancelled once again because of the Coronavirus.”

Daniel shakes his head. “I’ll grab another lounge chair from the basement.”

copyright (c) Marjan Sierhuis

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2021

IMG_20160603_140118Hello everyone:

Here we are.  Another year will soon have passed.  I hope you are doing well and able to spend today with your family or a few close friends.

I have had a few more stories recently published at  They are quite cute if I may say so myself.

  1. Goose is Cooked.
  2. Ho, Ho, Ho.

Genie in a bottle was recently published at

Genie in a bottle

Zoe loves to visit antique shops. But today doesn’t prepare her for the find of a lifetime. It is an oil lamp. A good replica of one she has read about

in fictional stories.

A gentleman suddenly appears at her side. “I see you have your eye on the lamp. It comes at a price.”

“You name it. I will pay,” says Zoe with determination.

Later, she leaves the shop with a smile on her face.

In the evening, she rubs the lamp and a genie appears.

“Sorry, all out of wishes. A high demand this holiday season.”

copyright (c) Marjan Sierhuis


I took a picture of this adorable reindeer a few years ago.  I couldn’t resist showing you.

I know life has been a challenge during this pandemic but I believe an end is in sight.

Stay well.  Stay safe.

Bye for now.

Your friend,





Happy Friday, everyone.

I hope this message finds you well.  A few of my stories have just been published

Story number one was published last week under the crumb section: Title:  “The Donation.”

Story number two was published today under the crumb section: Title: “Gobble.”


Stay well. Stay safe.

All the best:



Good Afternoon

Hello everyone:

I can’t believe that is is already September 30, 2021.  I will post a story that was published recently on

I hope you enjoy it.

Buried Treasure

          Pepper gazes out of her humble abode in an old oak tree. Her previous digs just didn’t cut the mustard. Today, she plans to gather enough acorns, seeds, and berries to see her through the winter months. They predict a cold one this year, she has heard. But prying eyes could throw a wrench into the works by hijacking her bumper crop.
          Her grey bushy tail swings gracefully during her descent. Her big, black eyes scour the vast woodland while she pauses at the base of the tree. She breathes a sigh of relief. The coast is clear. There is no sign of Dexter, her rival. It is time to gather and hide her booty.
I also did a little poem (haiku)
A quick gust of wind
Autumn leaves soon carpet the ground
A kaleidoscope of colors


Good Morning


I hope this email finds you well.  I am posting a few stories of mine that were recently published.  One is a flash fiction, the other is a poem.   Enjoy!

I am also a finalist in a short story contest for   I will keep you informed of my progress.

Aug. 6, 2021

Hello Everyone.

I hope this email finds you well. just posted my story.  I thought you might enjoy reading it.

I still plan to publish a book of short stories this year.  I will let you know the date.

Take care.

By for now,




20210624_111116Hello everyone:

I hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected.  I have a few stories for you to read. I also went to Riverdale Farm in Toronto, yesterday.   Enjoy the picture of the cute little goats.  I couldn’t get them to face the camera.

My latest haiku can be read on this site.  Here it is.

Shooting Stars

Shooting stars—

You light the night sky

I have another wish

So please come again.

copyright: msierhuis, 2021

Another story of mine was published yesterday:

It can be found under the crumb section:

The title is “Gob-smacked”  I hope you enjoy it.

copyright: msierhuis, 2021

Talk soon.

Have a lovely day.



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