I hope everyone is coping during these trying times.  I continue to write. I find it therapeutic and I like to keep my readers entertained.  It also gets their minds of today’s challenges in life. A few of my stories were recently published on different sites.    Please enjoy.

More Please

Hello everyone.  Pardon me if I don’t stand up, but sitting is much more comfortable.

Move up to the glass barrier.  You will see I am rather cute with my black and white fur coat.  I am also known for my docile temperament.  At least that is what the tour guide says.

Excuse me if I continue to eat my bamboo shoots during your visit.  They are very yummy, and I never seem to fill up.

I see you are getting ready to leave.  I would love you to stay.

PLease come again. 20170228_115540

Copyright:  Marjan Sierhuis


An Itchy Nose

“We’ll soon be out of here,” says Charlie, his booty in the air, while his nose sniffs around the fence post.

“Quit digging by the fence,” says Max, who sits on his haunches, as he patiently waits nearby.

“But remember the last time,” says Max. “Quarantined for fourteen days and no doggie treats for seven.”

“How can I forget,” says Charlie. “You wouldn’t stop whining the entire time, and I didn’t get a wink of sleep.” “Be quiet, I hear someone coming.”

Zoe approaches her precious animals.  She fits each one with an air filter facemask, attaches a standard dog leash, and leads them out of the yard for their morning walk.

Before long, an animal howls in the distance.  Charlie has an itchy nose.

Copyright (C) 2020  Marjan Sierhuis


Me Tarzan, You Jane

His leg muscles ripple, and night creatures cavort beneath a canopy of dense vegetation as he paces back and forth across wooden floor boards.

Sweat exudes from the pores of his body with every movement.  A loincloth partially covers his naked body as he looks out from the interior of his treehouse.

“Jane, come home, it’s getting late,” he shouts, cupping strong hands around his mouth.

Fingers suddenly massage his massive shoulders. He turns, looks down and his eyes light up with mischief.  Lips lock in a passionate kiss.  An evening of tree surfing can wait.

Copyright (C) 2020  Marjan Sierhuis

More of my stories can be found on www.fridayflashfiction.com;  www.pagespineficshowcase.com plus other sites.


She runs her tongue over her upper lip.  She tastes the salty fluid and wrinkles her nose in distaste.  Perspiration lines her brow.

She leans forward in her chair, elbows rest on the table, bloodshot eyes focus on the board game.

“I haven’t got all day you know,” he says.

“Please don’t interrupt my concentration,” she replies.

She arranges the tiles. “Eureka,” she shouts. “Oxyphenbutazone.” “One thousand, four hundred and fifty-eight points.” “I keep the house.” “You get the tool shed.”

Her husband places his hands over his face and groans.

Copyright (C)  Marjan Sierhuis


So, set well everyone.  There will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

